the colour green

By jukeys

loooong day

Got up early at Auntie Lou's house (Biz woke at 6.20am!). Had some breakfast and Lou, John and the girls went off to Orange for the morning. I stayed behind to do a bit of sunbathing and reading. Promptly fell asleep on the sofa once they'd left and woke up 5 minutes before they got back. I hadn't moved from the spot they'd left me in!

Drove back to Les Pilles with Biz (it was her turn to stay the weekend) and then headed down to the garden with dad and our friend from the village, Lilly. We picked about another 4 kilos of French beans - they are amazing croppers.

Got back and had a barbecue up on the terrace. Gorgeous evening.

We all sat down at 8pm to watch the Olympic Opening Ceremony. I had started off the day thinking I was already bloody sick of hearing about the Games and ended up practically in tears at the moving scenes that were played out in the stadium, directed by Danny Boyle. What a fantastic job he did. Poignant, funny, forward-thinking, heart-warming and above all, relevant! It really felt like the story of who we are in this country and Boyle dared to tell it honestly. Brilliant stuff.

Whoever the PR genius is that got the Queen to be in the James Bond bit, should be given a medal themselves.

Class show!

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