Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

One of Those Days

I've had a terrible headache over the course of the last three days.  So much so that I haven't been able to sleep (and some of you know how elusive that can be for me at times).  This morning it was so bad that I couldn't even keep water down. I don't  know what took me so long to recognize the source.  It was the pain at the base of my skull. I was  laying on my back on the sofa when it dawned on me.

I suffer from chronic neck pain and am treated every 90 days with a series of Botox injections.  Because of my hospitalization in February, I missed my appointment and had to wait until last week. This time they weren't quite as effective as usual, probably because I hadn't had them since early November.

For some reason, I had blocked out of my mind how to get through it when it's bad.Then I remembered that I am supposed to take a muscle relaxer and put the soft collar on for a while.  It's not a long term thing...just a few hours to relieve the stress and weight of my head from my neck and shoulders. 

I wish I could say my headache has been vanquished but it is not as bad.   The good news is that my neck felt a whole lot better after the treatment.  Hopefully, tonight I'll get some solid Zzzzz's.

The news the last few days has been frightful.  The Brexit vote stunned me. I stayed up to watch the ITV coverage and follow the results on BBC News.  It also cost me thousands of dollars from my retirement account.  I hope the "movement of regret" is successful.  I guess people believe what they want to believe.  Btw, Scotland, I apologize on behalf of all Americans for the dip-wad who flew in on his own helicopter and spouted off his mouth. 

There are devastating killer floods in West Virginia and an out-of-control wildfire burning hundreds of homes in the Los Angeles area.  The images of all these events are horrifying.

On the bright side,
the sit -in on the floor of the House of Representatives demanding a vote on sensible gun legislation made me proud to be a Democrat.  While my party was engaged in the struggle to make the citizens of this country just a little safer, the Republicans went ahead with a vote to throw out fiduciary ethics which would enable financial advisors to NOT act in the best interests of their clients. Amazing difference in priorities.

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