Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

A Day of Weeding

This was not the most exciting day.  From 6 AM - 9 AM and 2 PM - 5 PM, I cleared weeds in the front garden bed.  There were enough weeds to fill up three 42 gallon trash bags (note that I weeded the same garden bed just 5 weeks ago).  

Around 8:15 this morning, I noticed this Hummingbird Clearwing Moth hovering just to the right of where I was working.  The camera was within arms reach (planned just in case anything showed up) and was able to fire off a couple of shots before it went on it's way.  It was pretty cloudy at the time, so I had to bump the ISO quite and as a result the image is not quite as crisp as I would like.  Looks a bit better via the larger view.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! 

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