Ah, would you look at him!

Sparky has been very photogenic today.  

This was taken during a brief pause in Corin's crazed carpet cleaning episode today.  He (Corin, not the cat) bought a Vax carpet cleaner thing last night and tested it on the hall carpet.  Today, he has done all of the bedrooms (including James's) and the landing.  It all looks like new carpet again.

I discovered yesterday that at least 2 of my medications are definitely helping manage my pain.  On Thursday night, I had to miss my doses as I knew I had to be able to drive first thing and stay awake for the morning on Friday.  I managed to achieve that objective, but my pain was so bad yesterday.  Last night, back on the meds again and today, I am improved (not perfect, but definitely better than yesterday).  I also found out that one of my meds is actually used to help manage the hot flushes and I can categorically say that based on yesterday's experiences, it is helping in that regard too.  

Not really done much. Slept late (as a result of staying up till nearly 2am watching Muse's set from Glastonbury and  being slightly squiffy from Prosecco). This afternoon I have watched a bit of comedy tv with James until he abandoned me for another woman(!), cooked a lovely meal for Corin and I and afterwards, went for a walk (couple of miles). Now back on the sofa, peppermint tea on the go, cold towel round my neck...contemplating sleep.

Rock and roll.

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