Nikki Princess Warrior

By princesswarrior

Stuck on dry land

East Fortune Airshow today. Very disappointed to say I didn't get any good shots of the flying programme which included the Red Arrows. Gutted!
My excuse us we were far too busy working! The day started at 7am and we weren't home until 7pm. Between four of us we worked flat out filling magazines by hand and teaching people to shoot targets with Airsoft replicas on our new shooting range. Over the course of the day we went through around 35000 BBs! My hands are pretty sore today from all the speed loading!

At the end of the day The Royal Navy couldn't move their van, it was a wee bit stuck on the wet grass. I hope they're better on sea than they are on land! In the end it took a Range Rover to pull them out. We had no such issues with our work horse Land Rovers!

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