Fork Skills

My boys skills with a fork are improving, but eating can still be a two-handed job.  We've not been brave enough to give him a knife yet.

In other news, following the results of the public votes on AV and the EU, the Oxford English Dictionary has confirmed it is revising the spelling of "referendum" by adding a B to the end - to "referendumb".

However we get there, I hope that CyclopsJnr grows up in a world at least as good, and preferably better, to the one I did.  It's hard right now to see how BREXIT is a step in that direction.

In spite of press hype, the reaction of the currency and equities markets seems to have been measured - something of a relief.  

I'm still gutted for the UK, and fascinated (and terrified) to see what happens now in Scotland.  I'm pro EU (within limits - an army and complete integration are beyond those limits), but rushing into Scottish independence to get EU membership at the expense of UK membership could be a disaster.  If the EU/UK relationship turns nasty though, could it become the "least worst" option, even for me?

Interesting times.

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