
By Tommy0161


I cannot come to terms with the calamity that has befallen our country in the last 24 hours. We now face a painful divorce from Europe, the destruction of the U.K., the young people of the country, who overwhelming voted to remain, have been betrayed and goodness knows who will be in charge of us in a few weeks time. I don't like the selection on offer at all. And the country is bitterly divided.

All the advantages of being part of the largest, richest trading block on the planet have been thrown away because some people don't like migrants coming here to work or refugees coming for safety. That I got from four different co-workers as they explained why they voted leave. Shame on them. As you might gather I'm annoyed.

In spite of what Boris says about moving into sunlit uplands or whatever, I have felt depressed and sickened about what has happened today. We are in for an unpleasant few years. Dark clouds are gathering like they were over Croft this afternoon.

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