Neither Here Nor There

By Droog

The United Kingdom: An Apology

To my non-British friends:

I am sorry that the United Kingdom  has decided to turn its back on the European Union. I did what I could, but it was not enough.

On behalf of those who exercised rational thought I apologise that there were too few of us to make a difference.

I apologize to my friends in EU countries for the UK's infidelity. We are not to be trusted. The European Union should treat us as anyone might an adulterer.

The United Kingdom (as long as it exists after today) is finished.

I apologize for the United Kingdom's self centred, racist, xenophobic attitude to the world. We are not fit to be counted among the civilized nations of Europe (or, indeed, the world); perhaps, one day, we will be permitted to rejoin a united Europe. Sadly, I know that this will not happen in my lifetime.

An appropriate tune.

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