Dial 'E' for Erneshto

watched a hindi movie today on a friend's recommendation. It was a story of a family. And what a crap movie it was. It starts off with the death of the head of a Portugese family called 'Erneshto'. The wife always tries to call his spirit back using some spiritual methods. But everytime some Mr Nane's soul used to come to the room and ask "tell me why I was killed". Entire movie was over and everybody was crying out for Erneshto - but we never got to see him.

Early in the morning, went for bicycle ride - about 45-50kms in all. It was something...by the time I reached home, I was almost dead. The seat of the bike is way to small and hard - need to get a seatcover.

aaaah!!! My butt needs servicing!

P.S. - backblipped yesterday's entry.

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