Wild Tales

I am just finishing Graham Nash's autobiography Wild Tales. I wanted to like this book, I really did, especially after hearing his interview with Terry Gross on NPR's "Fresh Air." But all I can say about this book on a positive note is that I am seeing it all the way through. I liked the first third or so of the book where he deals with his childhood and then the lead-in to his role in forming The Hollies. After that, it is a manifesto on what a genius he has been (songwriting, music, photography, sculpting), and how screwed up everyone else (David Crosby, Stephen Stills, Neil Young) was. It turns into a tedious read. And in spite of his self-proclaimed genius, he still felt it necessary to drop at least two or three F-bombs per page. In spite of this book, I still like Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young's music. I really liked Neil Young's quirky memoir Waging Heavy Peace, where he has no part in running down any of his partners in music. Rock and Roll - no holds barred, I guess. 

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