Sunset silhouette..

A pretty good day at work.  No ice cream bought for me today, but cider and beer given, and offer of pizza.  Sadly, I had to decline the pizza, as we were heading out to V Deep.  
Also at work today I also got to hang out with Ginny, who I'd not seen for ages, and Iain, who came to pick me up, and got some beer and pizza (yes, he was eating at V Deep too).  Afterwards we zoomed back to cast our votes, then I had a quick shower and change of clothes before heading down to meet up with Laura and Rebecca, our V Deep companions. The food was tasty, and loads of it.  Possibly too much....

On our way home I insisted on going for a bit of a walk along the Shore, to try out the new camera. 
It seems to be working ok.  

Almost the weekend......! 

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