The pond just keeps on giving......

Last week it was newly hatched Emperor dragonflies, today Common darters!
I cannot believe how lucky we have been with our pond at work over the last couple of years! It used to be overgrown, and literally full of fish, but recently the local heron has been having a real feast and the fish population has shrunk significantly, then last summer we cleared all the thuggish Iris off the pond opening it up more ( see my blip from 17.7.15) and it seems we are being rewarded this summer with lots of dragonflies and damselflies!
This female common darter Sympetrum striolatum, has only recently hatched from her exuvial skin, and has just opened her wings having expanded them to finish the drying process. 
At this stage the wings are still very fragile and delicate and as you can see have a wonderful shimmery appearance.
I counted 5 newly hatched Common darters today, and there were 3 more exuviae from Emperor dragonflies......I am really excited as to what will be next!

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