Dolly and Spot post op day 4

Spot spent another day at the vet today after no real improvement overnight, she was running a bit of a temperature this morning as well! She got another barrage of gut motility meds, antibiotics, syringe feeding and heavy duty painkillers, and, fingers crossed, it seems to helping! She is starting to show small signs of improvement, although she still has no great appetite so we are still supplementing with syringe feeding! We are really hoping not to have to make it day 5, hopefully she will improve enough that we can manage her at home! We were supposed to be going down to the lakes this weekend for woolfest, but we have decided to stay to look after Spot, she's definitely not well enough to leave! This is her enjoying having her face stroked, she is a wee sook!

Sorry for being so absent from commenting for the last few days, Spot has just been such a worry! Thank you to everyone for the kind comments, it's lovely to know people are thinking of her! I'm going to make time to catch up with you all tomorrow!

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