Coffee time

I had a long lie in this morning because I didn't start till 11, so I was feeling all refreshed before going to work. I even had time for a coffee with S before I took my bus to work.

Work was rather busy. I did a tour for a group of lovely Scottish people, two of them university teachers who told me I did a great job and then eight really tall guys from South Africa. I felt a bit small next to them. I'm only five foot high... All good folk.

A bit worried about Brexit. I personally think it's a silly idea, but hey, see what happens. I hope the UK remains in the EU.

Fish and chips from Pittemweem for dinner and a nice and relaxing evening with S.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars, and sorry I haven't visited your journals or commented much recently... seems like life's taking over... I hope you all had a good day! :)

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