This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today we took a little road trip and we had a little adventure on the hottest day of the year so far. At one point my temperature gauge read 111 which is 44 for you folks. Can you imagine?

But we kept on having fun regardless.

Today we were tourists! First stop, Fayetteville farmer's market for tomatoes and basil and a lovely hello to Sally Baker Williams and Serena Caffrey. Then it was off to Springdale to take down our exhibition at the ACO. Afterwards, we took the long way to Bentonville to explore. We ran into the always wonderful Melissa Roberts Vest and her husband walking down the street! We ate at Table Mesa Bistro for lunch and enjoyed fantastic service and food and ran into Mrs. Sun Boxes, the better half of Craig Colorusso! Then it was off to wander around the Bentonville farmer's market and to happily discover Love Me Two Times vintage and resale shop where Stewart bought a wild shirt and I bought some sweet shoes. We also spied the Super Bee from Spike Lee's film The 25th Hour. Then it was on to the Museum (can I just call it that?) where we saw Dave Wright for hugs and smiles and no one told us to stop pointing or to stand away from the art. Yay! Then it was a drive back through Rogers to enjoy the old square, some vintage shops and an iced soy chai at Iron Horse Coffee Company and now home again! Whew! Great Day!

These old toy metal cars and guitars were sunning themselves on a roof of a small shack behind the super bee.

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