All Things Lego

Imagine...if you will...100 excited toddlers running around, and you're responsible for 5 of them. All boys. YIKES! Except for your own grandkid...THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME! All of our 22 kids were supposed to have matching purple shirts on...but the shirts didn't come in.

I think we're being counted on to chaperone for 10 "field trips" this summer. Everything from water parks to wooden playgrounds. Almost every Wednesday.

The kids were very good, although we did have a few wanderers. They had one area where you built your own Lego vehicle, and then raced it down the track. That's the only area I had any trouble at...having to knock down several children to get to the best wheels.

My favorite parts were the buildings made of Legos , mostly from downtown Detroit. That is Tiger Stadium (Comerica Park) in the lower right. I did find the little Lego girls to be just a little creepy...almost like when your TV gets out of whack...pixel-wise.

A fun day. I'm glad we went. I told you it would be colorful.

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