
The Bremain Head had to go to London today for meetings (luckily internal!) although I have been conducting Skype interviews for the last few days and holding my head dead central so no blue lettering could be seen poking out. I think people have been none the wiser.

Someone called the Head superb while I was buying coffee in the fens but such a bizarre cloud of misery and reserve then descended amongst commuters between there and our office in Charing Cross in that of the hundreds of people who would have seen a man sporting an obvious and bright Bremain haircut, only one person said anything. The melancholy of the morning tube bore out as I had been looking forward to engaging on the debate as I'm not wearing this solely for the good of my own health (in fact hours spent with the hairdresser seem to have blocked any times to exercise).

Bumped into some Remain campaigners in the street on the way home then had an enlightening conversation with someone sceptical of migrant workers. Logical points had no impact and I went away feeling sad that the rhetoric and scaremongering has run so deep now that it's impossible for those with logic and data to convince anyone who is transfixed on Leave because of the immigration issue.

My dream last night was a sort of nightmare where we remained in the EU yet the win was so marginal that it was only London that tipped the balance to remain. Swaths of the country were more in favour of leaving and if this bears out, it will be a truly sad state of affairs.

I must have been papped on the train as the additional snapchat shot appeared on a random friend's feed :D

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