
Carolee and I meandered around the South Bank and made our way to Trafalgar Square for the tribute to Jo Cox MP, murdered last week in her constituency. She was an inspiring young woman and the celebration was fitting. It was also rather star-packed with Bill Nighy (blipped) and Gillian Anderson giving readings, Lily Allan singing one of her songs that was a favourite of Jo's, Mariella Frostrup as the MC and Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize Winner. For me, the most affecting speech came from Jo's husband Brendan. How he could speak, and so eloquently, is beyond me. Needless to say I wept through much of the proceedings, in particular when school mates of one of Jo's children sang Pete Seeger's "If I Had a Hammer" - https://youtu.be/Rl-yszPdRTk

The UK decides tomorrow if we stay in the EU or leave it. I've already voted to stay in and I hope we do.

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