I like trucking.....

....I like trucking, I like trucking and I like to truck.....

Well, I went for my assessment in the lorry this morning. I did all the checks, I managed to get it out of the garage...without hitting any other vehicles or posts...and then we set off. Oh Lordy, Lordy, the seat is on an air cushion and I was bouncing up and down like Zebedee on a space hopper! I don't like roller coasters and it felt like I was being flung about on one, it was the weirdest feeling. I was out for about an hour and I eased into the driving and started to get a feel for it. Dave said he was happy with my driving and I was signed off. 

I reversed it back into the garage and then when we were ready to go out on session I drove it to Stockport. Michelle came with me and I just took my time. I need to drive it a few more times to build up my confidence although I don't want to drive it tomorrow as we are in Atherton and it is a pig of a place to reverse it into. 

I was in a health screening booth with a donor when her face had a look of horror on it. WIthin the space of a couple of seconds I saw the look on her face and was about to ask what's wrong when a screen fell over and bopped me on the head. When I recovered from the shock we couldn't stop laughing. It has just been one of those days :)

Anyway....I think I shall have to buy a Yorkie Bar tomorrow!

If you don't like trucking tough luck! 

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