Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Biscuit Crisis

My Dear Fellow,

So here is the picture of the elephant sculpture I promised you earlier in the week. Please note no tourist @rse hanging over the edge of it this time.

I did not notice when I took the picture, but now I look at it, it looks like the elephant has done a wee on the pavement. Hee hee hee.

As to the title. Er Indoors put out a message that she was running low on McVities Milk Chocolate Digestives. This is a crisis because this is her new thing. I went around three shops today to try and find another packet. 

You may want to sit down for this. There were NO McVities Milk Chocolate Digestives to be had. Caramel, yes. Dark Chocolate yes. Plain - not a problem. Milk Chocolate - nothing doing. 

I wondered about this. Why the drought? But then I remembered when I bought McVities MCD's for work, they would be gone in an hour. People LOVE those things. They are like crack for IT people.

Fig Rolls on the other hand, could be there for weeks. A lot of people treat Fig Rolls like they are not even proper food. Look in the back of your cupboard, I bet you'll find a packet of Fig Rolls there (use by September 1997).

In the end I bought substitutes. I got some Co-Op Milk Chocolate Digestives but I'm not feeling good about them. I'm thinking miserly with the chocolate. So I also bought Chocolate Fingers and something called Leibniz. But Er Indoors wrinkled her nose, "Sounds a bit foreign", she said.

I'll let you know how it goes. But if the situ continues, I may have to order a crate from Amazon.

Still. A baby elephant having a wee outside Frasers. Hee hee hee.

El Parsones

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