Last day of the season

Today my last workday in headquarters of Helsinki,  bye bye, we'll see in autumn again!

Juhannus the midsummer party time is soon here. Juhannus eve is on friday, almost all the finns go to their cottages, but we can not go because we do not have any cottage.

Both of my parents in their history had herited a cottage, but both have sold it. That is a pity. Fortunately we have a garden.

We also have family around as and my daughter and her boyfriend  came home from the forest science center for Juhannus... Maybe for balance sake my husband does go working in Juhannus athletics games.

It will be quiet time in the city again.

On the train today I met some young man who had organic farm and was travelling to Tampere to arrange organic food to a city festival of Juhannus to Tampere. So apparently we have some happenings in the city too.


ps. In the extra one shot of the Flycatcher that has a nest in an old bird house hanging by the apple tree. These and Robins are my absolute favourite!

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