A Midsummer Night's Dream

Woke up to the sunrise on the beach. Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Early morning swim followed by impromptu singing & music - a harp and guitars. Back to Anilio for breakfast and circle time and work.
Crazy circle time re. Phillipia and thus an extra meeting on my last day... ugh.
Finally made it to the beach with Focaliser Pip & chats in the sea.
Then back to Anilio for showers, then disco dancing in the forest before the 3 centres gathered on my last night for the weekly Taverna night. This week's choice was at Anilio by the church up on the hill... I was hoping we'd go here - so thank you! Walked home in complete darkness...
Pic is of a few of us dancing in the forest dancefloor before the others arrived...
Loved it!!!!!!!

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