Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Priory Park Project

One of my on-going projects is to try to re-shoot some images from Priory Park in the 1960's, or earlier, which are in the Dudley Archive (the originals weren't shot by me). This is proving quite difficult - aside from the obvious fact that things have changed since then, the position of the camera needs to be adjusted in 3D, but also the focal length of the lens is unknown, and there are the factors of time of day, time of year and lighting conditions! I'm finding this difficult, and I think I will need to print the originals much bigger than 24 images on A4 next time. Earlier today I was guessing that most of the originals were shot with a 50mm lens, but looking at the results and the originals (on screen), I think at least some of the were shot with the equivalent of a 35mm lens. I did think at the start of the project that I should reproduce the new images in colour, to help to indicate the change in technology as well as other changes, but now I am not so sure. For one of the images, I asked a couple in a Mini Cooper S if they would move their car a few feet to take it out of the picture - many thanks to them for doing so, I might not have risked doing this if I was not a Mini owner myself!

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