Today was the culmination of the older primary kids' training in orienteering; a 10km walk in teams. Yesterday, with some clouds and a light breeze, would have been a lovely day to do it. But burning 30-odd degree heat and very little shade was not fabulous.
My group was TallGirl as responsible grown up (yep, technically that was me, but I think we all knew who was really in charge), plus two sixiemes (12 year olds) plus four younger kids (10-11). I almost ended up with CarbBoy in my group too, which would have been too much I think. Despite some frustrations (one of the 12 year olds is an athlete and was keen to show how much faster than us she was - not helpful when you have to keep together), some other frustrations (one of the 11 year olds seemed unable to talk and walk at the same time, and enjoyed the former much more than the latter), it was a fun day. The last hour or so was hard going (particularly the uphill bits - as you can see here, one girl is going the wrong way) but we did well on the quiz (59 out of 70 is apparently a great score, and I honestly didn't use google more than once).
Later, I regretted not having moved the car to the shade when it turned out that the seatbelts and the steering wheel were too hot to touch (happily Mr B had some work gloves in the car, so I rather comically drove home (very slowly) wearing those). A little sit in the garden (shady) proved too hot, so a short nap was needed in the cool house. Leftovers dinner, WestWing, a chat with Mr B (in the UK enjoying thai food) and now I may drag myself off for an early night.
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