Pause for a moment

*Back blipped yesterday*
I'd been due to be back at the BMC today for more meetings, but a last minute delay in the launch of the government's Strategy for Sport meant we cancelled - supposedly a free day.
The last couple of days ( well nights) caught up with me and it was a late and sluggish start - but coffee to hand I wandered down to the mancave and got drawn into data testing and more and more correspondence - when I finally realised my coffee was cold it was mid afternoon - I shook my head and had a wander round the garden. For a while I followed this little flutterby* who didn't seem like it wanted to model for me, but just as I was set to give up it paused for a drink.

Sadly then back to the computer screen for me.

* Probably a Red Admiral, just looks too light in the sun.

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