Abscess makes the heart grow fonder

A rough night with pain relief not working. Shivering and feeling sick. Changed pain relief and frozen broccoli on the cheek on advice from the very caring nhs 111.

Eco mum was superb looking after me at 3am and putting up with my frustration.

No dog walk , no work

Up to the dentist, x Ray and target found. Filling drilled off, a bit of poking around all well. Then the cleaning implement hit the infection puss. That is pain I have never felt. Tears dammed up on the safety glasses and the hand of surrender went up. A wee break and suction of puss with pain.

Finished I sat at the window for fresh air, well looked after with water and glucose tube. Lack of food and sleep adding to my experience.

Eco daughter came to walk me home.

Spent all day sleeping and feeling battered and sore body.

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