Pipe Hill Heathland
After a bit of shopping and my free cake in John Lewis, Tamworth, I called into Pipe Hill Heathland to see if the blue butterflies had reappeared.
They hadn't - but I managed to find a couple of Meadow Browns (which didn't pause at any point) both a large and a small skipper, a large white, and this cooperative Speckled Wood.
There were a couple of people who looked official wandering around with a clipboard. As I'm nosey, I asked if they had plans to develop the site. It turned out that they were the Council Ecology Officer and the Council Ecology Manager and they do have money for a project to protect and manage the heathland. Extremely good news. I did also ask if it was safe whatever happens on Thursday. Luckily, it is.
I suggested that they had a look at the beautiful orchid that was on the left hand side along the path before they went back to the office. He identified it as a Common Fragrant Orchid. (extra photo)
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