"Chill out, Missy!"
Dear Diary,
Yesterday was brutally hot and humid and I had to keep watering things. I am exhausted this morning. It was 70F at 6 am, not a good sign, but they are promising some relief tomorrow and maybe some rain on Thursday. That will be wonderful. While I was out dead-heading the iris around the potting shed Mrs. Pheobe, whose nest is in the eaves of the shed, regarded me with a quizzical look. "What are you stressing about?" she seemed to be saying.
What indeed. I can only do what I can do. Watering is a priority and everything else will get done...or not. I know one thing. I will be very, very happy at 4 pm on Saturday, when the tour is over!
I found this quote yesterday that seemed appropriate for the day: "Every day brings a choice; to practice stress or to practice peace." - Joan Borysenko, So very true. I will try to remember that...it's all a choice. And while I'm at it I might throw in a bit of perspective too. Seeing what is happening out west with all the extreme heat and fires makes me realize how lucky I really am.
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