
By Babrecila

The Gate of Honour. Gonville and Caius College.

Gonville and Caius College was founded in 1348, and has produced 12 Nobel Prize winners. There are three famous gates-- The Gate of Humility, The Gate of Virtue and The Gate of Honour, which is shown here. One entered the college through the Gate of Humility, which is now the porters lodge, the original gate now in the Masters Garden. Next, one walked to the Gate of Virtue, under which (Dr Caius fondly imagined) lived the students. The Gate of Honour is a spectacular monument. A classical triumphal arch, crowned by a sundial clock. The only time students are allowed to use this gate, is when they pass through into the Senate House opposite for the graduation ceremony. This information was kindly given to me at the Porters Lodge, and sometime I would like to photograph the other two gates. I have passed through this passageway many times on my way to the river,and thanks to blip I actually noticed things I'd passed by before.

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