Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

At the Junction

We went to Kelso this afternoon, this being the nearest place where Tractorman could get a new battery for his watch.

While it was being seen to we had a walk by the river, just below the place where the Tweed and the Teviot join - hence the name 'the Junction pool'. Apparently it is very famous amongst salmon-fishing folks, and it costs megabucks to try your luck there.

We saw just one angler, and he didn't seem to be having any success, though Tractorman saw two large salmon leap right out of the water.  I was fiddling about with the camera and missed them.

The weather changed about six times today. Soon after this spell of brilliant sun we had another downpour, so perhaps his luck changed then. Both pictures are taken from the same spot, the main one is the Tweed and the extra the joining place.

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