MonoMonday: Mildly Irritating ....

.... Not the toy bee, but the clattering of jackdaws (just looked it up and was delighted to find this is the, wonderfully onomatopoeic, collective noun for them) who I caught the other morning trying to pull out all the moss lining from our hanging baskets.

I pressed the bee, who'd been loitering elsewhere in the garden, into service as a makeshift scarejackdaw on top of the hanging basket stand and he seems to be doing an excellent job.

The list of things I find really annoying would take far more space and time (and ingenuity / effort to blip!) than I've got here.

By way of contrast, something very pleasing today was that we managed to complete and send off the Probate Application Form for Tess's Dad's estate, having heard back from HMRC so we could put the finishing touches to his financial affairs.

It's actually been fairly straightforward to do it ourselves (so far) and just makes me even more annoyed with the inefficiency of the company who charged us a small fortune to handle Tess's Mum's estate for us - but don't get me started on that!

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