Father's Day

This might seem an odd photo for Father's Day, but it works for me. I really do miss my dad, who's been gone seven years now, but I am reminded of him every time I look at my hands. My dad had the largest hands on a man that I've ever seen, and while mine don't match the sheer mass of them, they share the same shape, and even the same damaged digit. This time of year when I'm outside and doing more physical work, they even callous like his. While I know what he'd be doing on this Father's Day - watching the U.S. Open - I'll honor him by doing a little woodworking cutting baseboards for Big Tiny. My dad forgot more about carpentry than I'll ever know, but he instilled in me a decent work ethic, and a love of the smell of sawdust. Thanks, Dad. Love and miss you. (Author's Note: No fingers were lost (yet) in photographing this post.)

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