
By ChrisGroucutt

The ties that bind

Had a wonderful awakening, with two excited kids bringing me breakfast in bed. Then a cuppa, then onto prezzies. 
The first was a fruit hamper - because of my current healthy eating kick. Knom Knom Knom.
The second was a 'learn knot tying' kit - because of my current boating kick. 
Knot Knot Knot.

And then it was onto fun and games, and chilling with the family for the rest of the day. Just right.

I have a way to go with all the knots I need to learn, but I figured it was perfectly apt to take a knotty picture considering the name of the day.

Happy father's day to all the dads, present or otherwise.

Going to raise a glass to mine right now. 

Cin cin old chap. Love you always.


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