Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Fathers Day

This bad Mummy left Daddy to it this morning! Well not quite, after cards and a little present I set out for Baldock leaving Will instructions to take  Daddy to Hitchin Café for breakfast and leaving Carys with the money to pay for it. I think they had a nice time.

I meanwhile completed the Baldock Cycle Challenge and really enjoyed it, but boy are my legs telling me about it now. I did my usual at these things and found a random man to cycle with. It was very enjoyable, we had a good chat and he was nice enough to hang around to help me over the last few miles. Unfortunately I am feeling the lack of training, mostly due to colds, but some due to lack of time. I think I will be deferring the London100. I want to enjoy it, not just survive it. I am slowly getting fitter and faster both on the bike and on foot but 31st July is too rapidly approaching.

Kids bathed ready for school, roast dinner eaten. Just my appraisal tomorrow to prepare for and a car advert to write and post before I can collapse!

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