Father's Day

Dear Diary,

Despite it's faded and grainy appearance, I love this old photograph of Dad and me taken June 21, 1969 at my wedding.  He looks so happy and he managed our dance without stepping on my toes as he had worried.  What really amazes me is he was only 48 years old in this picture.  I had just turned 20 years old the month before, so young.

As I was making my coffee this morning I noticed the little toothpick holder on the shelf...Dad's toothpick holder.  A small old salt ware container, it brings back so many memories of my Dad like helping my grandmother pack his lunch pail.  I made his peanut butter crackers, carefully wrapped in waxed paper. 

Father's Day is a time to honor all the father-figures in our lives, grandfathers too.  They may sometimes seem less "front and center" than our mother-figures but they are foundational to our lives even if we don't come to realize it until decades later.  Happy Father's Day Dad and thanks for that dance!

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