
By Kaysha

A bit cloudy

And that was just my head. In my joy at having a free night/day with the kids being at their grandparents, I completely forgot about our pre-arranged playdate today. Lets just say I was rather mortified when Expatmama phoned to remind me that we were supposed to be at theirs this morning. I've got a lot of making up to do...

The kids had a lovely time, as ever, at Grandma and Grandad's house but were tired out after such a full on day. Little D crashed out in the car on the way home but Miss A got her second wind and was full of beans by the time we got home. Ah well, there was the small matter of the Olympic Games starting this evening and it'd be a shame for her to miss it! She (and we) stayed up til 10.30pm to watch the Opening Ceremony - we'll pay for it tomorrow, I'm sure.

For the record, I thought the Ceremony was really good - especially with Queenie making her acting debut!

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