
I hate poor service.  Mr F's satnav broke a few weeks ago and he has been managing with his phone.  We are driving to Cornwall on Wednesday to see my sister Angelique and I would prefer to do it with a large screen satnav.

So today Mr F selected one and ordered it from a large chain that provides car bits - you can probably work out which one.  As he was working in the afternoon I went to collect it and on his return I proudly presented it to him.  Its the wrong one.  It was just before closing time so I could only phone to point out their error and now I need to go back to the store tomorrow when I really don't have the time.

So this image is a reminder of the Mono challenge for Monday theme being "anything that annoys you or makes you cross" Please tag images MM126 or MonoMonday126.

I hope that the challenge doesn't make you too cross

And the extra is a bramble.  The flowers are gorgeous

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