
Dropped MrRoly off with Princess at the castle for the Falmouth District Cub 100 years birthday celebrations, took Smallest swimming, came home and saw Eldest off with Mike - her turn to crew today, then headed into town with Smallest to drop my friend Sue who stayed over last night at work.

After a lovely dinner at The Lookout, Smallest and I picked up some decent binoculars then headed up to the point to watch the racing.  We ended up staying up there at various locations until it was time to collect MrRoly and Princess again!

So the blips - the main one is probably the clearest photo I managed to get of the boat.  You can just make out Eldest's head to the left of the Helm (Simon at this point) if you zoom in.

The extras show Smallest patiently waiting for ice cream, Nirvana (orange, red and yellow spinnaker) overtaking one of their competitors, Green Helix (black hull, red edged fore sail) and finally all three boats in the 'R' class "Twister' race in a row - Nirvana is far right, Romper is the blue hulled boat facing the opposite direction (the winners) in the middle and Green Helix is on the left.

All the excitement is proving far too much for all of us so we had Chinese Takeway for tea and watched "Life of Brain" once the small 2 were in bed.  Early nights now as I am sailing AGAIN tomorrow - this time it is the Ladies Who Launch I missed yesterday so back into dinghies...

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