Artsy Fartsy

By GeorgiaM99


I went into town early afternoon and bought several pots. My spider plant and its 'spiderette' needed repotting/potting. The little spider plant has finally got a good lengthy root so it was time to put it in soil! And the original spider plant had just outgrown its pot.

I also repotted the dragon tree (Dracaena Marginata) that had resided on the floor in the back room, slowly dying because, it too, had gotten too big for the tiny pot it had been bought in several years ago. After I had repotted it, my mum said I could have it because it had been sitting in the back room on the floor in a corner since we moved here last year, looking sorry for itself. So it is now, in all its glory on my windowsill with all my other plants.

In case you couldn't tell - I really like house plants. I'm also the only one that waters all the house plants around the house.

My auntie and uncle came over from Edinburgh later in the afternoon. It was really nice to see them as I haven't seen them since Christmas.

Overall, I've had a pretty nice day.

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