in the early morning, because of the nice soft light. Ideal light for a blipphoto.
Last night there was thunder and lightening, some beautiful flashes at the other side of the Weser. When it was over music started to play and fireworks was to be heard down in the town. We all were in bed and no one went out and watched.
Mischa and I walked this morning along the Diemel to Helmarshausen and there uphill to the Krukenburg, the old middle aged ruin. There is a cafe that has a wonderful view down over the houses, the Diemel, the fields (one with many cows in it) and the forests till the horizon.
Mischa took pictures of what is left of the old towers. It could be part of a new project. I was in it as the human figure.
We took the short way back and saw some very old grasshoppers, crickets if you like.

My haiku:

As the heavy rain
Falls down the raccoon sits still
Under the bushes

And the french proverb:

Drive out prejudices by the door, they will come back by the window.

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