
By Leiflife

Misty, Moisty Morning

Tis the season for fogged up lenses... The heat and humidity are at their most daunting. It is most definitely summer in the South. But I like this picture of dear old Music seen through a mist. He sweetly paused on his way across the road to head toward home, and I shot the picture regardless of a fogged up lens..

This photo is from last Sunday. And since then life has been impossibly full. The days filled with good and less good occupations. And I have many photos I would like to share. But energy all used up... And today I had an EGD. That means I was anesthetized and a tube was inserted into my throat and guided through my upper digestive tract to see what damage has been done over the last two years. Apparently quite a lot...

So strange when I have thought the reflux had been relatively calm and I couldn't conceive of ulcers. Samples were taken for biopsy, and my poor esophagus was scraped and stretched. I had fasted since yesterday's lunch, and I woke to discover that eating and drinking was well nigh impossible. Too painful...

 I was able to sleep off some of the anesthetic through this morning. (June 17th), and able to get down a little soup in the afternoon. Sweet Kendall called and distracted me for a little while, which was good except that the throat was raw enough afterwards to bring forth some tears. But crying is also painful. It has been a rough day, and I hoped by reaching out just a little, I would find some relief. Thanks for listening.

Extra of Brown Thrasher scolding Music, Pearl and Me for coming too close to her nest...

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