
Today has been a momentous day. I finally submitted my first assignment. Woohoo!!
It's taken me far longer than I thought it would. But what doesn't?!!
I got in from dropping off the Little Misses this morning and pausing only long enough to make a cup of tea I sat down and wrote about Jeremy Deller's The Battle of Orgreave. I did all the research for it a month ago but haven't looked at it since. I had a bit of a block about actually committing to writing the essay. And it only needed to be a thousand words!
But it's done and finally submitted. 
Now I can get on with the next part - Creative Writing which I am much more excited about than contemporary art. I've just had a quick look through the course materials and it's like A-Level English all over again. I even have to analyse Fern Hill which I did for A-Level!
It'll be interesting looking at it as a 42 year old rather than an 18 year old.
Sleepover madness is in full swing at the moment - they've put their mattresses on top of each other and are sleeping together on top. They are most disappointed to learn that neither of them is a princess having put a marble under the mattresses and both failing to feel it!

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