Work on platform 8

At New Street Station in Birmingham.
Back to my “decisions” of yesterday’s blip, on the train from Doncaster to Birmingham.
I spoke to the young lady occupying the seat, but she didn’t respond. My thoughts were: is she deaf, is she just ignoring me (selective deafness) and hopes that I will go away, if she does respond do I want to be sat next to the window with her and all her stuff in the next seat, do I want to cause a fuss, do I want to take the seat across the aisle that is backward facing, hasn’t got a table or a window? 

Amazing what the old grey cells can do when pushed.
I decided to take the easiest option and sit elsewhere, wimp!! I was a bit miffed and moved on to thoughts for my blip for the day. Hence the picture!!
Another incident in the evening over dinner made me feel as though I was a grey old invisible lady, to be ignored. (I wont bore you with the details). I had a FaceTime session with B later and shared my annoyance.
But as the saying goes “tomorrow is another day”. My invisibility cloak had disappeared this morning :0)
I had interesting conversations with a young lady and a young man at the station whilst waiting for the train, also a little girl on the train who was fascinated by my knitting and chatted away. All three initiated the conversations. I got my reserved seat on the train back, was comfortable and saw the countryside en-route. A good day :0)

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