Over Yonder

By Stoffel


My Dear Fellow,

Er Indoors was expecting things to hit her harder today. Apparently Day 2 was horrible last time, but so far she seems to be bearing up okay. 

To help her recover, tv has come through again. A documentary called "OJ: Made in America" has been airing all week, going further into the detail of the OJ trial. Even though we watched "American Crime Story" earlier in the year we are still not quite OJ'd out yet.

That whole Bronco chase was one of those "always remember where you were" moments. That was only a week after I moved to Edinburgh and I recall everyone at Scottish Widows discussing it in the office. 

Where were you, I wonder?

On a happier note, here is a picture of Punky that I took sort of by accident, from holding the iPad on a funny angle. Luckily enough, it turned out really well and you have a really good shot of Punky's whiskers. He always seems like a very dapper chap to me, like a 1940's movie star. I think in this picture he looks a bit like David Niven or Ronald Coleman.

Maybe that's just me.

El Parsones

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