what we did today...

By SarnieV

Poorly boy

Spent over 3 hours at sick kids A&E with this little one last night. A combination of a temperature, nausea and a bump to the head meant he had to be checked for concussion. It was an education for D who was an angel given how long he had to wait. He learnt all about the 7 stage triage system - as did I because I had to keep reading it to him as he commited it to memory. He learnt about African countries with Ebola risks. He experienced a wee boy being admitted that was throwing up blood (triage 3 D diagnosed) and then when we eventually saw the dr he was called away for an emergency and D diagnosed that as triage 1 probably! Altho it takes ages, it is reassuring when they don't see you for ages as you know your child isn't that bad and you know if ever they were they would bè prioritised as needed. Luckily he's not concussed and although no reason for the temp was found he was discharged with instructions for calpol and prufen til his temp goes down. We got home just as the sun was rising at 3.40am and he slept til 11.50am, woke for calpol & half a banana and went back to sleep. Proper poorly :-(

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