A Funny Old Tale

One of the main reasons we came down to Southampton this weekend was to visit Lizzie's nan who had a really nasty fall last week. The result of the fall is 21 stitches to her forehead and a particularly nasty looking wound.

We took Millie over this morning to cheer her up - she loves dogs!!

Now Millie, as we know,isn't the calmest of dogs so we were a little worried that she might be a bit to much for Nan.

However as soon as we got there, and completely out of character, she curled up at Nan's feet and went to sleep while getting stroked. It was only when the biscuits came out that she got up, and then as soon as they'd gone she jumped up on the sofa next to Nan to get cuddled in again, where she stayed until we left!!!

She really is an odd little dog, but we love her!

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