Rangefinder film camera

This vintage rangefinder film camera was a birthday present from Scott. Looks fascinating. A different type of camera I've never used before. Really looking forward to learn how to use it!

Now, this is a film camera, so I'll have to be careful with the amount of photos I take. Quite a challenge!

So yes, it was my birthday today. I spent most part of my day at work in a meeting and I was allowed to leave earlier, so I could relax and celebrate my birthday later on. Had some birthday cake at work too! :)

In the evening I went with Scott for something to eat and then we went to see Kenny Anderson aka 'King Creosote', who was playing at the Haven in Cellardyke. A lovely birthday evening.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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