Skip's Blips

By Skip

A different woodpecker

This evening there were only a few birds at the bird buffet. Both the male and female downy make an appearance, but the pileated I blipped yesterday didn't show up during the half hour I sat on my patio bench. It was rapidly growing dark, so I gave up and headed indoors to work on my photoshop homework.  I no sooner sat down at my desk when I heard the distinctive voice of the pileated. I looked out the window and there she was on the suet feeder. Before I could get my camera and sneak out the door, she flew away and landed high up on one of our tall trees. Unfortunately, with night falling and the pileated out of range for a good shot,  I only managed a few not-so-food shots of her that I have posted as extras for today, making the (tiny by comparison) female downy tonight's blip. 

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