What's it for? I can only guess it's to deter the Mute Swans from flying by that way, lest they have a mishap. This year's brood of eight(!) cygnets seem to be doing okay so far. They've grown substantially in just a few weeks, to the extent that they're now all about the size of a Mallard duck.

Staff conference at work today, which was quite good fun this year. Was requested to take a few snaps of the on-goings, and there were a few crackers from the fun stuff to do over the lunch break. Also finally had the chance to speak to one of the Staff I'd taken a shot of near enough a year ago. We'd had an abseiling event down the side of the old College building, prior to leaving there, and I was hoping to use a shot of her as a Blip. After gaining permission, I'll now be able to fill the "Blip-hole" for that day. Well, when I find the photo I will...

Started preparations for Saturday's big  event, a day earlier than normal. Two cameras and lenses sorted out, and all cleaned up in readiness. Cards and batteries prepared. May take a monopod instead of the usual tripod this year. It's both lighter and more reliable. Substantially so, on both counts. Tripod is handy to leave setup and ready to go. But after having had a leg clamp fail after lugging the thing to the top of a hill (on two occasions!), I'm a bit wary of it happening again. Almost had an expensive camera and lens plunge into a pool because of that. Final prep tomorrow. Exact items taken will be affected by the forecast, which is looking a bit nasty midgee-wise. That monopod would be better if I have to keep moving to escape the bitting bugs.

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