Empty chairs

Several reasons for choosing this visual metaphor today including my personal horror at the murder of British MP Jo Cox - dear God, is this really C21st Britain I am reading about?  Also still watching the aftermath of the Orlando shooting, horrible, awful - and of course, day 1 without my friends and their darling baby daughter who are all safely arrived in Japan.  Oh, and I also liked the shafted sunlight through the trees this early evening, when all around was in shadow. Seemed appropriate.

In fact, it really was a most productive day.  Robin and I had previously decided to use this day of no class, no grading, no meeting, to go to the library together and work on our Masters.  Mutual support and occupational therapy. I worked for about seven hours in all and actually really got stuff done before going home and sitting in the garden with a beer.

Lordy but it's hot.  30ºC in my apartment again tonight. 

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